Sexual assault is a major problem: it happens to 1 in 5 women, but because sexual assault victims don’t report, it seems to happen less. Victims don’t report because they feel silenced, but why are victims of sexual assault silenced in out society? They feel silenced by society because of our problematic justice system, which inadequately collects evidence and questions traumatized victims intensively, our societal distrust, formed by influential figures and the exaggeration of false reports, and our negative viewpoint of victims, causing victims to feel blamed four being sexually assaulted and judged for not having a “normal” sexual assault. I have pondered the question of why sexual assault victims feel silenced by society a lot in the past few weeks and I have been shocked by most of the statistics I have found. I was unaware of the severity of how victims feel silenced. The most shocking fact is that only 37% of victims report to the police. How can our society silence so man...